Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cheers to Sunrises!

This is supposedly strictly a food blog. but since this blog is the only world that revolves around me, I might as well...own it. After all, I finally had the nerve to start one, after considering it for uh, a long time.

You might already know me, if you're reading this. But let me introduce myself all over again.

I am a Registered Nurse living in a Chicago suburb for almost 3 years now. I have been working in the Medical Oncology/Palliative Care Unit of a community hospital in another suburb for about a year and a half. And I have been living by myself in a small apartment for exactly a year.

I am here not just because I have to make a living. This is more of a personal journey for me. I am the little girl with itchy feet, wanting to see the world, eat the world, walk the world, at my own expense. I am here to show the world (myself) that to be brave and adventurous does not always mean jumping off a cliff.

You see, my life back home, though most say ideal, is constricted. Stereotyped. Sheltered. Coming from a small town, you become like a word in a dictionary - one with a definition, a reference.

Fragile and perfect are things I am NOT and never intended to project, but seem to always catapult back to me. (please don't think I am being arrogant, if you are open-minded enough, you get my point... don't you?) The life I had / have is far from perfect. But don't get me wrong. I am truly grateful for the family I have. My parents, for me, are like no other. I am beyond words as to how blessed I am for having them. The only downside to that, is the comfort. That zone of convenience. Which I chose to break away from.

I am here because I am just a girl wanting to let her hair down. To make mistakes. And to learn from them without having someone pointing them out. To eat in a restaurant or walk in the mall all by myself and not even care what other people think. To be clumsy, and dumb. To be in a crowd of strangers. To decide. To fix my own broken lamp. To pay my own bills. To hate folding my own laundry, but to do it anyway. To eat Cheetos for breakfast, because I have nothing else. To be broke.
To get to know people for who they really are, and to get to show people who I really am.
I am here, to just, not care.

To be free.

And here, I have rediscovered my love for food. And music. And travel. And people. And writing. I have rediscovered my love for myself.

To make this blog more emo than it already is (harhar), I want to share with you The Harbor. The place I go to, to think, or not think. It is one of the most beautiful places in Chicago. The most beautiful for me.

Thanks..for listening :)

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